Peter Gibbs

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Peter Gibbs Empty Peter Gibbs

Post  English Knight Sat 14 Oct 2017, 10:23 pm

British Sergeant Peter Gibbs.

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English Knight
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Peter Gibbs Empty Peter Gibbs

Post  English Knight Mon 16 Oct 2017, 3:45 am

It's nice to hear a refined English accent coming from the mouth of Peter. And it was inspirational to see him driving a Universal Carrier on the Pilgrims Road before "bumping" into Alison which caused lots of chaos and humour. The start of the Second World War saw over 2,275 Universal Carriers, or "Bren Gun Carriers" in service. By the end of 1942 a further 6,000 had rolled off the production line. That same year saw an improved version of the Universal Carrier manufactured, the Mark II. The British built 11,000 of those during the war which carried a crew of four.

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English Knight
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Peter Gibbs Empty Peter Gibbs

Post  English Knight Mon 16 Oct 2017, 3:46 am

Peter had a very negative attitude when he visited the home of Thomas Colpeper to gather clues about the Glue Man. One would think he would have at least tried to ask some questions about the lecture at the institute instead of going "off the rails" as he described it. Peter's emotive behaviour was a sign of frustration as a result of feeling powerless which is symptomatic in people when something doesn't turn out the way they had hoped.

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English Knight
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Peter Gibbs Empty Peter Gibbs

Post  English Knight Mon 16 Oct 2017, 3:52 am

After the lecture at the institute on Saturday, Peter told Colpeper he was "interested" in what had been taught, but what a difference a day makes when we see Peter on Sunday being dismissive about Colpeper's passion for history and nature. Peter questions the purpose of long walks and mountain climbing, "Why walk if there's a train? Why climb to the top at all, what's wrong with the valley?" You'll notice when Peter says he is an organist in London, Colpeper immediately asks him if he plays in Saint Paul's Cathedral. Of all the places in London to play the organ, Colpeper names the famous Saint Paul's. It's obvious that Peter was set-up for a fall and he had to admit that his civilian job was playing the organ in a cinema. When Peter explains that his boyhood dream was to be a church organist, Colpeper tells him, "Seems to me sergeant that there are two kinds of men, one who learns to play Bach and Handel only to play 'I Kiss Your Hand Madame.' And the man who learns to walk step by step so one day he might climb Mount Everest." By visiting Colpeper, Peter not only discovered crucial evidence about the identity of the Glue Man, but he also revealed something about himself.

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English Knight
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Peter Gibbs Empty Peter Gibbs

Post  English Knight Thu 09 Aug 2018, 12:25 am

Peter shows his patriotism when he defends England against Bob's dislike of tea drinking. And when the American soldier begins to boast about his country, Peter says: "Now don't start to tell me you've got higher hills and broader rivers." Their friendly rivalry culminates with a race down the hill which hopefully is won by Peter.

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English Knight
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Peter Gibbs Empty Peter Gibbs

Post  English Knight Mon 01 Jan 2024, 12:51 am

Working in his civilian career as a cinema organist, Peter does not yet realize his connection to the natural world. Pipes such as flutes are often used in the fields by shepherds to play tunes for their flocks. Because organs are a system of pipes through which musicians can convey music, Peter's occupation as an organist constructs him as a latent pastoralist. His conscription into military service paradoxically leads him to appreciate the bucolic lifestyle. And his conversion, after he sees Canterbury Cathedral from the hill, is so subtle, he is yet to fully comprehend it. Peter's confession to Bob indicates that a change has taken place, "To tell you the truth I hardly realized there was a countryside before the war." Bob reaffirms that change by stating, "Funny that, how the war can open your eyes to a lot of things." When Peter finally arrives at Canterbury Cathedral, he unwittingly takes the steps to the organ loft in a manner linked to Colpeper's earlier remark about climbing Mount Everest. He then plays Bach's famous Toccata, reminding us of Colpeper's words concerning the study of Bach and Handel. Peter most importantly is given the honour to play the hymn, "Onward Christian Soldiers." Thus his role in preserving England's pastoral heritage as a soldier merges with his true calling of playing a church organ. It did take longer for Peter to be in tune with the natural world, but in the end, his eyes were fully open.

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English Knight
English Knight

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